Home The Process Fees Examples
The following steps outline the SF Bay Business approach...
Phase #1 Project Review , Quote/Proposal
Phase one is to discuss the general parameters of the project and assess a design approach and set goals that fit your needs and budget. If you are requesting a web site redesign, the process will include a thorough review of your existing site and a quote or proposal. Upon quote/proposal agreement SF Bay Business will begin preparations for the next phase of production.
Phase #2 Site Architecture and Information Design
Phase two includes information design discussions and development of an overall site architecture. SF Bay Business works closely with the client to build an effective and efficient navigation system.
Phase #3 Graphical Interface and Interactivity
Once the site architecture is developed we create a unique look and feel for your site. Mock-ups are posted on a Client Project Site for review and approval. A final design is then selected and a list of design modifications are developed. Revisions are then implemented to produce a final design.
Phase #4 Production
After client sign off of Phase 3, the final design implementation phase begins. Working from Phase 3,we will create custom graphics, headers, footers, and other related media such as animations, scripting, etc.as needed for the web site.
Phase #5 Launch!
After the site has been assembled and formatted, SF Bay Business tests on all major browsers. A review is conducted and a list of final modifications is developed.